Archive for the Manipal Institute Of Technology Category

Bye Bye Manipal

Posted in Manipal Institute Of Technology on February 25, 2009 by neyawn

This is my last post on this blog.

College life finally comes to an end. Being here on this blog, and having met *so* many interesting people was totally worth it. I have had my share of fun & pangas, brick bats and criticism, and must say I enjoyed every bit of it. I hope techtatva reaches greater heights and we can provide higher levels of competition. I am sure techtatva will one day will be an international techfest.

As of me, I have moved to Bangalore, getting used to a more professional life. This is my last sem in Manipal, and I am SO beginning to miss it.

I do sometimes, write things in my personal blog and my technical bog. You can check them out sometime.

Time to say bbye…


Techtatva 2008

Posted in Manipal Institute Of Technology with tags on September 1, 2008 by neyawn

Heya !

Techtatva 2008 commences in a month’s time. The website is up and running. Check out the Techtatva 2008 Website for details. Do comment in here, if you have any issues accessing the Flash Version of

We”ll try to resolve any issues to the best of our abilities.

Techtatva 2008 Team

Yahoo! -> Yahoo?

Posted in Manipal Institute Of Technology on July 2, 2008 by neyawn

After TCS, Infy, Wipro, Accenture, its the turn of the bigger companies to visit our campus, MIT. First in line id probably Deloitte which is probably coming on July 26th, followed by SunGard.

Yahoo India will be coming on August 2. And it will be nice to watch out for it, since it only took one student last year in 2007.

On a funny note, I recall just two years back, searching for “Yahoo!” in Google listed Yahoo as the first result. Now this isn’t funny. The funny part is that searching for “Yahoo?” ( mark the ”?’ ) resulted in the message – Did you mean Yahoo?

Since I used to spend hours Googling back then , I had noticed it. An year down the line, I just noticed that searching for “Yahoo?” doesn’t give the error message as before. Which is strange! I mean nothing should have changed in two years, except that Yahoo is on the edges of a sell-out.( They did manage to survive, but that’s another story.)

Yahoo before:




P.S. It’s my dream company. 😦

Best Days Of My Life..

Posted in Manipal, Manipal Institute Of Technology on April 29, 2008 by neyawn

Six months ago, as I look in retrospection, we all just wanted one thing – big company,big salary!!!
Today when most of us have got it, we are stil not happy, not satisfied. Today we want only want one thing, for some even at the cost of their achieved/accomplished wishes, LIFE BACK IN MANIPAL!!! Watched numerous times on TV before the carefree, independent, full of masti college life. Never thought it could be that great. But saw it becoming true, Manipal was just way beyond it. Never thought I could get up at 8o clock for 8am class and stil get entry. Never thought could make nightouts everyday and still manage to go to class(slept there though [;)] ) Manipal was a dream come true.

Miss those interaction sessions (don’t dare call that ragging, Please! Feel sorry for juniors who never came to know about what they call or know as ragging) with seniors.
Other than studies, got the opportunity to participate in sports and activites too. Those cricket practice sessions in first year and Students’ Council at end of my Manipal life, what more could I have
asked for. Still don’t remember what made me apply for the President’s post. But today, don’t regret even a bit. Enjoyed like hell, revels, techtatva, golden jubilee dinner, diwali celebrations, Half day after
india won twenty20 world cup [Editor’s Note: Yeah, He did it ! ], being blamed for bikes being banned, getting attendance letter even being a council member ( who said council gets free atendance? ) All sweet memories.

And yeah. How can I forget my beloved friends, friends forever. Those trips on bikes, nightouts dipped in beer and vodka( I was just watchin them :p ), sleepin till 2 on Sunday. Those days will never come back. It was a home away from home. I feel so MANIPAL SICK!

”Aisa yaadon ka mausam chala, Bhoolta hi nahin Dil mera….Purani
Jeans, Ali haider”

To al the juniors. Enjoy manipal like hell..u wont get smthin like dat
ever again in ur life. Believe me!!

– Kunal Gupta

(The author was the President of Students’ Council 2006-2007, and a proud MITian. He wrote his only article for this blog only after he left the college, in one of his nostalgic moments. He is currently pursuing his internship in Germany. )

Its beginning to begin..

Posted in Manipal Institute Of Technology on April 4, 2008 by neyawn

Its more than six months, for Techtatva 2008. And we want it to make it the best. Since this is my pre-final year in college, and next semester is going to be my last, Its also a personal ambition to make Techtatva a never-happened-before event.

The other day, RookShop and me were participating in NIT Trichy’s Annual Techfest, and must say- it was awesome. Well, we only participated in an online coding contest and didn’t quite do much except earn 100 points, but then that gave us a feeling why we shouldn’t have such an event(and of such robustness) at Techtatva 2008.

We’re also working on a complete revamp of, the live virtual stock market game which is unique in its own way, because it uses LIVE data from, and is one of its kind. We’re planning to provide our competitors with a richer GUI built in Flex.

As far as the Techtatva 2008 is concerned, we are working on it, and we hope to have it up and running in a month’s time. We plan to make it very very dynamic with enhanced GUI’s and we plan to use ASP.NET this time.

Any feedbacks and suggestion would be welcomed at :


The machine is indeed Using Us ..

Posted in Manipal Institute Of Technology on April 4, 2008 by neyawn

We Haven’t Moved..

Posted in Manipal Institute Of Technology on February 21, 2008 by neyawn


Contrary to my earlier plans, We ain’t moving the Techtatva Blog to a new URL. This is the Techtatva 2008 Blog and will continue to remain so.

This is keeping in mind the amazing popularity this blog has attracted from all over the world. Also Google’s PageRank played a major role in this decision. 🙂

~I’m not anti-social; I’m just not user friendly~

Microsoft Bids to buy Yahoo!

Posted in Manipal Institute Of Technology on February 4, 2008 by neyawn


This for sure is desperate attempt by Microsoft to gain control of the webspace, though buying out Yahoo will neither rescue Yahoo of its financial woes, nor will it reduce the animosity Microsoft has generated among a group of users because of its muscle-flexing techniques owing to its huge size.

Yahoo is an Internet legend, and has a user base which has been loyal for a long time now, despite the failed products Yahoo has come up with in the last few years. Yahoo chat is a complete failure with bots twice the number of real people. Yahoo mail failed to compete with Gmail for the later’s sheer skill at fighting spam, and a simple look focused on functionality. Yahoo answers has been a hit and flickr is so far the only successful Yahoo product on the web which has no potential competitors.

On the other hand Google says Microsoft Bid to buy Yahoo is “alarming”. It cannot exactly be predicted as to what fallout, the bid if successful, will have on Google as this was something unthinkable in the past.

However a combined Yahoo+MSN+Facebook could be a new force on the webspace that Google might have a tough time dealing with.

Oh, and by the way since techtatva is now over, I do not frequently post in here. You could check me out here , if you really like my posts.

C o d e F o r F r e e d o m

Posted in Code For Freedom, Manipal Institute Of Technology on November 2, 2007 by neyawn

The recent activity by Sun Microsystems in MIT is actually creating so much BUZZ ! Sun India started the Code for Freedom Contest for University students that has successfully gotten so many students in colleges across the country taking a peek at Open Source technology that Sun Microsystems has to offer. Some of the Open Source technologies under this event are :

OpenSolaris : It is a core operating system by Sun. It is not a final release and is intended for developers to try, test, and provide feedback. Its source code has been released by Sun and is open to open source community developers to help remove bugs. You can get a list of bugs in OpenSolaris here.

NetBeans : All the tools software developers need to create cross-platform Java desktop, enterprise and web applications. Runs on Windows, Linux, MacOS, as well as Solaris. It is easy to install and use, works right out of the box — and it is open-source and free! – thats what has to say about this cross platform development environment. This one is close to my heart as I worked on it for over a month during my summer training . You could read more about it here.

Project GlassFish :

The GlassFish community is building free, open source, production-quality, enterprise software. The main deliverables are an Application Server, the Java EE 5 Reference Implementation, and the Java Persistence API Reference Implementation, TopLink Essentials. The community also delivers Maven Repository, tools and much more. To be frank, I have no clue about this one yet, but will surely take a look at it soon, and let you know 🙂

Apache Derby : Apache Derby, an Apache DB subproject, is an open source relational database implemented entirely in Java.  You could read more about it here.

OpenPortal : Not much idea. Read more here.

We have had some good activity in our campus regarding the contest and looks like we are finally having some good participation. I am personally involved with the OpenSolaris thing, I just installed it on my machine with little difficulty, and though  its not very user-friendly yet, I would say its cool.

Parantap Roy, EnC is the Sun Campus Ambassador at Manipal. You could read his official sun blog here.Vineet and Udit are co-ordinators for the same program. They have been quite promising, and we could look forward to some action in the coming days.

I have been writing this post on Kagin’s Dell, while Solaris is being installed on my adorable Pavilion . I havent gotten much idea of this OS yet, though I have worked on Ubuntu for almost an year now, and I hope the common bash shell would offer some friendliness. 🙂 I have noticed there is a problem when we install the OS on a dual core machine, and there has not been much help provided by the help forums either. It happens almost everytime I boot , specially if I use the Power Button to turn on and turn off my system. I hope to find a workaround soon, although a few not-very-satisfying workarounds are available over the web that work by reducing the functionality of the dual core processor to a solo core processor.

If you are like minded and planning to participate, you can reach me at neyawn at aol dot com. Ciao !

(Thanks to a certain Natahsa from Ontario, I am back to blogging again . Phew! ) 🙂

Protected: The Team

Posted in Manipal Institute Of Technology on October 15, 2007 by neyawn

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